Codice Etico IFAPA


0 -Anthroposophic psychotherapy ( AP ) and IFAPA
1 – Solving ethical problems
3 – IFAPA assessment for scientific-spiritual competences and relations with society
4- human relationships
5:Privacy and Confidentiality
6: Advertising and other public Statements
7: Record Keeping and Fees
8-Training, diplomas, teaching
9- The practice of the anthroposophical psychotherapist
10. Research and Publications
11: Assessment
12: Therapy
13: conclusions
14: bibliography


The purpose of this ethical code consists of one side a- in recognizing who we are, in recognizing ourselves within these limits by learning to respect them and eventually to modify or modify them;
at the same time:
b-let us recognize, show ourselves to the world for what we are.
This means, in the case a-: to create a more mature collective consciousness; in the case b: reinforce the public image.

Inspiring purposes or general principles:
1- the protection of the patient and therefore the professional correctness; (professional secrecy, do not take economic advantages, obligation of correct information).
2- protection of the professional towards other colleagues (solidarity between colleagues).
3- protection of the professional group (decorum, dignity, autonomy).
4-responsibility towards society (rules on the duty to use knowledge on human behavior to promote
the psychological well-being of the individual, of the group, of the community.

These purposes can be reached through 4 imperative guidelines:
1- to deserve the patient’s trust;
2-possess a suitable competence to respond to the customer’s request;
3- use their power with justice and integrity promoting accuracy, honesty and truthfullness in the
practice of psychotherapy also in teaching and in the relationships with other therapists;
4-defend the professional autonomy, one’s own, that of colleagues towards the claim of other figures
to perform professional acts concerning the only exclusive competence of the psychotherapist.

Anthroposophic psychotherapy ( AP ) and IFAPA


1. Anthroposophic Psychotherapy is rooted in modern academic and professional knowledge
as well as in spiritual science as developed by Rudolf Steiner concerning man in his
interrelated dimensions as a physical -, psychological -, spiritual -, and social individuality.
2. Anamnesis, diagnosis, treatment and healing methods reflect these dimensions in a
differentiated way.
3. These objectives take into account acquired insights through both spiritual scientific as well
as academic research, for which purpose the psychotherapeutic profession is embedded in a
continuation of schooling path, both spiritual as academic.
4. Moreover they take into account
a. the physical, physiological, psychological and spiritual development of the child as
belonging to both worlds of spirit and earth, in the context of its social embeddings
b. the development of man, as an individual, during the course of life,
c. the development of mankind as a whole, d. the historical context of world events in the light of the time spirit.
5. As such Anthroposophic Psychotherapy is rooted professionally in the School for Spiritual
Science of the Medical Section.

B – Anthroposophic Psychotherapy (AP)

it is located within the Goetheanum Medicine Section (Dornach – Switzerland). The anthroposophical medical movement develops from the work done by Dr. Phil. Rudolf Steiner and Dr. Med. Ita Wegman at the dawn of the 20th century. From the Higher School of Spiritual Sciences, founded in 1923 at the Goetheanum in Dornach (Switzerland), the Medical Section develops, coordinates and documents the medical-anthroposophical activities including
psychotherapy. The medical section now includes general and specialized doctors, veterinarians, pharmacists, psychotherapists, therapeutic institutes such as clinics and hospitals, nursing homes, pharmaceutical companies, curative education, social therapy, art therapy, eurythmy therapy, nursing, therapeutic massages etc. Currently, anthroposophic medicine (AM) is practiced throughout Europe and the world as well as Anthroposophic Psychotherapy (AP).
The AP is practiced only by graduates in Psychology and / or Psychiatrists and / or Medical Doctors specialised in psychotherapy and psychosomatics, thus authorized by the Universities and by their successive formations, officially registered as such in their respective Registers of psychotherapists in the country.
The International Federation of Anthroposophical Psychotherapy Associations (AP) was founded in 2012, on September 15th in Dornach (Ch). The Articles of Association were partially amended in 2016 on June 23, Emerson College (UK) and September 14, 2019 in Dornach (Ch)

C- IFAPA: international federation anthroposophic psychotherapy

Among the main aims of Ifapa:
to represent, bring together and relate the different AP associations (recognized by IFAPA and therefore members of the same federation);
to ensure the quality of professional development, in the sense of scientific-spiritual expansion and the legal protection of professional standards; assistance and support in promoting professional ethical principles. (required by the statute and the Ifapa regulation for completion).

1 – Solving ethical problems

1.01: Code of ethics principles and violations

The present code of ethics has the value of orientation and definition in relation to the essential conditions for belonging to the Ifapa federation.

1.02: IFAPA Responsibilities

IFAPA has the responsibility to ensure that the ethical codes of his members (national associations ) are in accordance with the fundamental principles living in this ethics code that intend to offer a general vision on the human being as well as a philosophy, and builds the fundament and a guide that covers the professional problems, conflicts and legal entanglements encountered by the AP members and their individual professional members.
The Code of Ethics of Member Associations should be based on – and not in conflict with – these Ethical Principles.
IFAPA has the responsibility to have, as members, only associations whose statutes, regulations and ethics code are in agreement with the IFAPA’s ones.

1.03: Relationship between IFAPA statute regulation and ethics code

The Statute and the Ifapa regulation are the central reference point for this professional code of ethics, as this is their extension and integration.
With the different ethical codes of each country, to which the various member associations refer.

1.04: Reference to other ethics code

Reference is also made to the statute of the Universal Anthroposophical Society and the statute of the international federation of anthroposophical medicine associations, given that Anthroposophic Psychotherapy is part of the Medicine Section of the Free University of Spiritual Science.
Reference is also made to the professional deontological code of the country in which Ifapa is based, that is, Switzerland.
The American Psychological Code of Ethics (APA) and the European Code (EAP) are very deeply adopted inside this ethics code.

1.05:Informal Resolution of Ethical Violations (APA 1.04)

When psychologists believe that there may have been an ethical violation by another professional (- s) (be it a psychologist, be it a psychiatrist or a medical professional in the sense of the Preamble sub B. or association ), they attempt to resolve the issue by bringing it to the attention of that individual, or association, if an informal resolution appears appropriate and the intervention does not violate any confidentiality rights that may be involved.

1.06 Reporting Ethical Violations (APA 1.05)

If an apparent ethical violation has substantially harmed or is likely to substantially harm a person or an organization and is not appropriate for informal resolution, or is not resolved properly in that fashion, psychologists take further action appropriate to the situation. Such action might include referral to state or national committees on professional ethics, to state licensing boards, or to the appropriate institutional authorities, or IFAPA. This standard does not apply when an intervention would violate confidentiality rights or when psychologists have been retained to review the work of another
psychologist whose professional conduct is in question.

1.07 : Unfair Discrimination Against Complainants and Respond nts (APA 1.08)

Psychologists do not deny persons employment, advancement, admissions to academic or other programs, tenure, or promotion, based solely upon their having made or their being the subject of an ethics complaint. This does not preclude taking action based upon the outcome of such proceedings or considering other appropriate information.


2.01 Boundaries of Competence (ApA 2.01)

(a) Psychologists provide services, teach, and conduct research with populations and in areas only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, consultation, study, or professional experience.
(b) In those emerging areas in which generally recognized standards for preparatory training do not yet exist, psychologists nevertheless take reasonable steps to ensure the competence of their work and to protect clients/pa tients, students, supervisees, research participants, organizational clients, and others from harm.

2.02 Maintaining Competence (APA: 2.03)

Psychologists undertake ongoing efforts to develop and maintain their competence in order to remain within the requirements of their country bound legal registration list..

2.03 Limitations of competence Ifapa

Internal conflicts in the various countries where it is particularly a matter of analyzing and regulating culturally and geographically located events within the country of origin, should be treated and resolved as far as possible within the country associations or between the associations of different countries if the competence of a supervision or arbitration by the Ifapa board or a committee appointed by it specifically for the case or in general a peace committee that seeks to find a solution to the difficulty arising, relying (possibly) on the management of the Medicine Section.

2.04: Use of the Ifapa code of ethics

In the case of countries that are already part of Ifapa or who want to join it in the future and who do not have a professional order, it is required that they refer to the federation’s ethical code, that is this code of ethics, within their association status, or draw up a code of ethics in accordance with this.
The present code of ethics is the result of the elaboration of some deontological codes of country which in their respective countries have normative value.
Once exported into a supranational code, these regulations have only an indicative value of the fundamental principles and for disputes and violations this code refers on the one hand to the legislation of the country while for other matters it directly addresses the executive board Ifapa and the assembly Ifapa, as well as finally to the direction of the Goetheanum Medical Section in Dornach.
The professional practice must primarily be governed by the regulations of the professional and legal sphere of the country of origin, the Code of Ethics and the professional practice in force in it.
Infractions and disputes that will be of specific interest to the ethical code of this federation will concern those rules regarding the conditions for entry, belonging and behavior within the life of the federation and in general respect for the ethical code itself, and will be treated within the life of the federation either informally or through the competent bodies.
The violations may be of such a nature that they cannot be resolved only within the federative life and will encroach on the various deontological codes of the country or directly in the civil or possibly criminal codes of the country of origin.
Therefore the norms of the code of ethics that will have a juridical value are only those that are also reported by the code of ethics of the respective country and governed by it.

2.05: Ifapa Ethics Commission

All violations of this code of ethics of the statutory rules and regulations, which will not be resolved informally, will be extensively examined – both ethically as well as legally – by the ifapa ethics commission ( consisting of part of the Ifapa board members ), which will study the case and present a report the totality of the Ifapa Board and ( in cases of serious viollations ) to the general assembly in the event of disciplinary measures or question of exclusion of the association from the Ifapa or provisions concerning specific behaviors of a single individual.
The ethics Ifapa committee may consider it essential to report ethical violations to the state(???) or national committees on professional ethics, to state licensing boards, or to the appropriate institutional authorities.
It is precisely within an anthroposophical psychotherapy association that one could expect and could arise the major manifestations of maturity and example and also the major expressions of conflict and tension with an unsolvable  aspect.
It is therefore essential that we increasingly come closer to an individual expression, to an acceptance, so to speak, free, of ethical principles that move us precisely in the direction of that longed-for conscious freedom, which anthroposophical psychotherapy promotes.

2.06: Entry of a new association

The associations that agree to join the IFAPA federation accept this code of ethics which binds every member of the individual associations.
The Ifapa board or the ethics Ifapa commission assesses the entry applications of the associations and their status, and the ethical code to receive only those associations that are able to present the necessary requirements for entry and ask the associations that are not in compliance with the requirements to adapt them to the requirements.
In the absence of professional regulations within the country of residence and profession, the Ifapa Board will have to assess whether there are conditions for admission of the association, or of the individual subject (temporarily) and if the conditions exist they will be applied directly the codes (statute, regulation and code of ethics) Ifapa.
If a national association of anthroposophic psychotherapy already had an existing code of ethics, the board of the association in question has the task of adapting its national code of ethics to this code in case of profound inconsistencies.

2.07 higher standard of conduct

In the process of making decisions regarding their professional behavior, professionals (be it a psychologist, be it a psychiatrist or a medical professional in the sense of the Preamble sub B. must consider this Ethics Code in addition to applicable laws and psychology board regulations.
In applying the Ethics Code to their professional work, psychologists may consider other materials and guidelines that have been adopted or endorsed by scientific and professional psychological organizations and the dictates of their own conscience, as well as consult with others within the field.
If this Ethics Code establishes a higher standard of conduct than is required by law, psychologists must meet the higher ethical standard.
If psychologists’ethical responsibilities conflict with law, regulations, or other governing legal authority, psychologists make known their commitment to this Ethics Code and take steps to resolve the conflict in a responsible manner in keeping with basic principles of human rights. (APA introduction)

2.08 National Associations (Procedure to investigate)

National Associations must have procedures to investigate and decide on complaints to their members, and mediation procedures, corrective and disciplinary to establish the necessary action.
National Associations must demand that their members continue to develop their knowledge of ethical issues, and promote training to make sure this happens.
National Associations provide advice and support to their members on ethical issues.

3 – IFAPA assessment for scientific-spiritual competences and relations with society 3.01: scientific spiritual nature to be protected

Our ethical code is interwoven within a very complex context (with respect to the professional code “tout court”) as our reality is of a scientific-spiritual nature. Ifapa is a federation that refers to the Section of Medicine of the Free University of Spiritual Science of the Goetheanum in Dornach (Ch) therefore a coherence is needed; better to say an adherence to the spiritual principles living within it, while taking into account the maintenance of one’s own substantial and formal characteristics related to the profession. Therefore the associations are responsible for the spiritual quality of the behaviour of all the individual members and the level of social behaviour that lives within the associations and in the relationship with the IFAPA and during international events, both as regards the spiritual value of the contributions and for what concerns the world of human relations (with patients, between colleagues, in relations with other health professionals, and in everyday life in general with other human beings) in respect of anthroposophical psychotherapy in a scientificspiritual sense.


The Umbrella Organization of the Coordination of the Interdisciplinary Medical Section – IKAM – is in its formal aspect a certification body for the membership requirements. It promotes initiatives of a medical- nthroposophical and multidisciplinary nature, protecting their quality and anthroposophical medical development. Through the School of Spiritual Science, the concept of scientific research in scientific-spiritual medical research is expanded in the Medical Section. It is therefore essential that IFAPA, when organizing events, always take into consideration the School of Spiritual Science.

3.03-: Ifapa and professional orders:

In some countries there are professional orders with their deontological codes.
Below is the qualification scheme for the profession of psychologist in Europe; we can keep this scheme as a reference even if we need to expand to the whole world:

2-Training to become a psychologist
3-Training to become a Clinician
4-Registration in the public register / private list or authorization / license:

Bachelor (similar to Bachelor’s Degree)
+ Master
Additional training
Registration in the National Register

Bachelor (3 years)
+ Master (specialist, 2 years)
Path in Clinical Psychology (at least 5 years / 300 ECTS *)
Registration in the list of the Commission of Psychologists

Bachelor (3 years)
+ Master (2 years)
Bachelor + Master + specialized training
Registration in the Members Register managed by the Croatian Psychological Chamber

Bachelor (3 years)
+ Master
Additional specialist training
Authorization of the Danish Psychological Council / inclusion in the appropriate register.

Bachelor (180 ECTS)
+ Master (150 ECTS)
Specialization course (3 years)
Register kept by the Ministry of Health

License de Psychologie (3 years)
+ Master de Psychologie (2 years)
License + Master in clinic (5 years in all)
Register kept by the Ministry of Health

Bachelor (3 years)
+ Master (2 years)
Additional specialist training
State license for the title of Psychologische Psychotherapeuten

Basic Degree in Psychology
Degree + professional psychological license
Professional psychological license issued by the Health Directorate of Local Authorities.
Optional registration in the SEPS register

Three-year degree + degree
two-year master’s degree + state exam and one year of training
Four-year specialization school
Registration in the National Register of Psychologists and in the List of Psychotherapists

Bachelor (3 years)
+ Master (2 years) + annual unit * (1 year)
Professional study in psychology for a total of 6 years (360 ECTS)
Authorization from the Norwegian Health Directorate

Two paths:
1. Research University, which provides a 4-year Bachelor’s + Master’s Degree in Psychology
Post-master education in a 4 years during training, followed by annual requirements for reregistration, which includes intervision, case presentations, 50 hours extra training per year.
Registered psychologists-psychotherapist are obligatory member of the professional organization
NIP mark of the Dutch Association of Psychologists.
2. Registyered psychotherapists belonging to the national Anthroposophic psychotherapy
Association have to prove annual extra trainings for re-registration.

Licenciatura (3 years degree)
+ Mestrado (Master, from 1 year and a half to 2 years)
Licenciatura + mestrado integrado (1st and 2nd cycle) + stage
Registration with the National Psychological Association

Bachelor’s degree (BSC) (three-year degree)
+ Master’s Degree (specialist degree)
Bachelor’s Degree BSC + PhD in Clinical Psychology (3 years)
– Public register of the Council of Health and Welfare Professions for work in the public sector.
– Registration with the British Psychological Society by profession and / or private sector.

Degree (240 ECTS) + Master in General Health Psychology (90 ECTS)
Authorization of the Ministry of Health + to be part of the Official College of Psychologists.

5 years of university education (300 credits)
+ 1 year of supervised practice.
Additional specialist training
Certificate of Psychology of the National Council of Health and Wellness

Bachelor (3 years)
+ Master (2 years)
Bachelor + master (5 years in total)
Registration in the Register of Psychological Professions (PsiReg)

University degree, registration and licensing obliged.

North America
Univesity degree in psychology, registration as psychotherapist after trainings, annual reregistration obligations South America: University degree in Psychology, licensing is annually extended, no extra requirements Being an Ifapa member even if it does not involve enrollment in the anthroposophical society should entail respect and tension towards belonging to this mother-society of the so-called daughters of anthroposophy. Every institution of anthroposophical character should draw strength from the mother and restore strength to the mother herself, under penalty of a possible dismemberment of the social fabric.
Even if the members of the single associations cannot be obliged to be part of the S.A. Universal, however, it is desirable that at least the majority of the members of the various associations be registered with the Universal Anthroposophical Society. Life in the local study groups of the anthroposophical society is in itself the basis for individual and social development and this theme is treated by Rudolf Steiner himself, for example in the text of briefs to the members.

4- Human relationships

4.01: Expectations

The community of anthroposophical psychotherapists is expected to have a capacity for selfeducation which is a source of social as well as personal health. In the relationship with the patient, we expect: respect for the established rules, decorum, professionalism as well as continuous updating and supervision.
In relationships and conflicts with colleagues we expect the ability to: respect human differences, take distance and wait, recognize one’s own work and that of others, as well as a good degree of objectivity. Awareness of one’s human and professional limits. The ability to find solutions to disputes.

4.02: Unfair Discrimination ( APA 3.01 )

In their work-related activities, psychologists do not engage in unfair discrimination based on age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, social economic status, or any basis proscribed by law.

4.03: Sexual Harassment ( APA 3.02 )

Psychologists do not engage in sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is sexual solicitation, physical advances, or verbal or non verbal conduct that is sexual in nature, that occurs in connection with the psychologist’s activities or roles as a psychologist, and that either (1) is unwelcome, is offensive, or creates a hostile workplace or educational environment, and the psychologist knows or is told this or (2) is sufficiently severe or intense to be abusive to a reasonable person in the context. Sexual harassment can consist of a single intense or severe act or of multiple persistent or pervasive acts.

4.04: Other Harassment ( APA 3.03 )

Psychologists do not knowingly engage in behaviour that is harassing or demeaning to persons with whom they interact in their work based on factors such as those persons’ age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or social economic status.

4.05: Avoiding Harm ( APA 3.04 )

Psychologists take reasonable steps to avoid harming their clients/patients, students, supervisees, research participants, organizational clients, and others with whom they work, and to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable.

4.06: Multiple Relationships ( APA 3.05 )

(a) A multiple relationship occurs when a psychologist is in a professional role with a person and (1) at the same time is in another role with the same person, (2) at the same time is in a relationship with a person closely associated with or related to the person with whom the psychologist has the professional relationship, or (3) promises to enter into another relationship in the future with the person or a person closely associated with or related to the person.
A psychologist refrains from entering into a multiple relationship if the multiple relationship could reasonably be expected to impair the psychologist’s objectivity, competence, or effectiveness in performing his or her functions as a psychologist, or otherwise risks exploitation or harm to the person with whom the professional relationship exists.
Multiple relationships that would not reasonably be expected to cause impairment or risk exploitation or harm are not unethical.
(b) If a psychologist finds that, due to unforeseen factors, a potentially harmful multiple relationship has arisen, the psychologist takes reasonable steps to resolve it with due regard for the best interests of the affected person and maximal compliance with the Ethics Code.
(c) When psychologists are required by law, institutional policy, or extraordinary circumstances to serve in more than one role in judicial or administrative proceedings, at the outset they clarify role expectations and the extent of confidentiality and thereafter as changes occur.

4.07: Conflict of Interest (APA: 3.06)

Psychologists refrain from taking on a professional role when personal, scientific, professional, legal, financial, or other interests or relationships could reasonably be expected to (1) impair their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness in performing their functions as psychologists or (2) expose the person or organization with whom the professional relationship exists to harm or exploitation.

4 .0 8 : Third-Party Requests for Services ( APA: 3.07 )

When psychologists agree to provide services to a person or entity at the request of a third party, psychologists attempt to clarify at the outset of the service the nature of the relationship with all individuals or organizations involved. This clarification includes the role of the psychologist (e.g., therapist, consultant, diagnostician, or expert witness), an identification of who is the client, the probable uses of the
services provided or the information obtained, and the fact that there may be limits to confidentiality.
(See also in APA: Standards 3.05, Multiple relationships, and 4.02, Discussing the Limits of Confidentiality.)

4.09 : Exploitative Relationships ( APA: 3.08 )

Psychologists do not exploit persons over whom they have supervisory, evaluative or other authority such as clients/patients, students, supervisees, research participants, and employees.

4.10: Informed Consent ( APA: 3.10 )

When psychologists conduct research or provide assessment, therapy, counselling, or consulting services in person or via electronic transmission or other forms of communication, they obtain the informed consent of the individual or individuals using language that is reasonably understandable to that person or persons except when conducting such activities without consent is mandated by law or governmental regulation or as otherwise provided in this Ethics Code.

4.11: Anthroposophical psychotherapy and relationships

Anthroposophical Psychotherapy recognizes the connection between the natural, psychological, moral and spiritual forces present in every human being and develops appropriate research methods for this area. Consider that each person is a unique, ever evolving spiritual being.

This has consequences in three orders:

1º / For the therapist-patient relationship:
a / Both the patient and the community to which they belong play an active role in the healing process.
b / Illness and even death have a meaning for the individual’s biography and for his community.
c / A psychotherapy relationship, which aims at the healing process, can only be based on free choice and trust. Only exceptional circumstances can limit this fact.

2º / For the relationship between colleagues:
a / In every situation of his life, the psychotherapist will keep his commitment to the truth constantly present.
b / The psychotherapist is aware of the limits of his own knowledge and skills. It welcomes and encourages mutual respectful cooperation with colleagues and other health professionals.
c / He recognizes the pain and suffering of our time and takes them into consideration in his lifestyle.
3º / For the relationship between man-nature-earth:
a / The fact that human beings have become the leading cause of illness and death and that nature has in turn become a new “patient” for a healing agriculture implies a global professional responsibility.
b / Animals and the whole of nature should not be considered as capital or property following the commercial logic, but should be seen as subjects with which the human being maintains a relationship of mutual dependence.
c / Today psychotherapy also has an educational role in the sense of the value of the human being as a man you know yourself in the relationship with the kingdoms of nature and with the other man.

4.12: Self-determination

To favour as much as possible the autonomy and self-determination on the part of the client including the right of the client to initiate and conclude the professional relationship with the psychologist, and to establish at the same time the balance between autonomy, dependence and collective actions. Specification of the limits of self-determination taking into account various factors such as age, mental health and restrictions due to legal proceedings.

5:Privacy and Confidentiality

5.01 Maintaining Confidentiality ( APA : 4.01 )

Psychologists have a primary obligation and take reasonable precautions to protect confidential informations obtained through or stored in any medium, recognizing that the extent and limits of confidentiality may be regulated by law or established by institutional rules or professional or scientific relationship.

5.02 Discussing the Limits of Confidentiality ( APA: 4.02 )

(a) Psychologists discuss with persons (including, to the extent feasible, persons who are legally incapable of giving informed consent and their legal representatives) and organizations with whom they
establish a scientific or professional relationship (1) the relevant limits of confidentiality and (2) the foreseeable uses of the information generated through their psychological activities.
(b) Unless it is not feasible or is contraindicated, the discussion of confidentiality occurs at the outset of the relationship and thereafter as new circumstances may warrant.
(c) Psychologists who offer services, products, or information via electronic transmission inform clients/patients of the risks to privacy and limits of confidentiality.

5.03: Consultations ( APA: 4.06 )

When consulting with colleagues, (1) psychologists do not disclose confidential information that reasonably could lead to the identification of a client/patient, research participant, or other person or organization with whom they have a confidential relationship unless they have obtained the prior consent of the person or organization or the disclosure cannot be avoided, and (2) they disclose
information only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of the consultation.

5.04: Use of Confidential Information for Didactic or Other Purposes ( APA: 4.07 )

Psychologists do not disclose in their writings, lectures, or other public media, confidential, personally identifiable informations concerning their clients/patients, students, research participants, organizational
clients, or other recipients of their services that they obtained during the course of their work, unless (1) they take reasonable steps to disguise the person or organization, (2) the person or organization has
consented in writing, or (3) there is legal authorization for doing so.

6: Advertising and other public Statements

6.01:Avoidance of False or Deceptive Statements ( APA: 5.01 )

Psychologists do not make false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements concerning (1) their training, experience, or competence; (2) their academic degrees; (3) their credentials; (4) their institutional or association affiliations; (5) their services; (6) the scientific or clinical basis for, or results or degree of success of, their services; (7) their fees; or (8) their publications or research findings.

6.02: Presentation ( Principle 7.g: EAP )

Psychotherapists present the science and art of psychotherapy and offer their services, products, and publications fairly and accurately, avoiding misrepresentation through sensationalism, exaggeration, or superficiality. Psychotherapists are guided by the primary obligation to aid the public in developing informed judgments, opinions, and

6.03: Products that are described ( principle 7.L : EAP )

or presented by means of public lectures or demonstrations, newspaper or magazine articles, radio or television programs, mail, or similar media meet the same recognised standards as exist for products used in the context of a professional relationship 6.04: Media Presentations ( APA: 5.04 )

When psychologists provide public advice or comment via print, Internet, or other electronic
transmission, they take precautions to ensure that statements (1) are based on their professional knowledge, training, or experience in accord with appropriate psychological literature and practice; (2)
are otherwise consistent with this Ethics Code; and (3) do not indicate that a professional relationship has been established with the recipient.

7: Record Keeping and Fees

7.01: Documentation of Professional and Scientific Work and Maintenance of Records ( APA: 6.01 )

Psychologists create, and to the extent the records are under their control, maintain, disseminate, store, retain, and dispose of records and data relating to their professional and scientific work in order to (1) facilitate provision of services later by them or by other professionals, (2) allow for replication of research design and analyses, (3) meet institutional requirements, (4) ensure accuracy of billing and payments, and (5) ensure compliance with law.

7.02: Fees and Financial Arrangements ( APA: 6.04 )

(a) As early as is feasible in a professional or scientific relationship, psychologists and recipients of psychological services reach an agreement specifying compensation and billing arrangements.
(b) Psychologists’ fee practices are consistent with law. (c) Psychologists do not misrepresent their fees.

8-Training, diplomas, teaching

8.01: Extension of the discipline of psychotherapist

There is a post-graduate education specializing in AP that includes both theory and practice. The basic training in AP consists of a course of study for graduates in medicine and psychology that are psychotherapists. It develops in accordance with the guidelines that prevail in the teaching of the AP.
These formative criteria are rigorously established within the Regulations of the Ifapa and are controlled both by the single national associations that are guarantors for the national diploma and by the same Ifapa and for what concerns the international diplomas of psycho-anthroposophic both from the Ifapa and from the Medical Section itself.

8.02: Design of Education and Training Programs ( APA: 7.01 )

Psychologists responsible for education and training programs take reasonable steps to ensure that the programs are designed to provide the appropriate knowledge and proper experiences, and to meet the requirements for certification, or other goals for which claims are made by the program.

8.03: Sexual Relationships with Students and Supervisees ( APA: 7.07 )

Psychologists do not engage in sexual relationships with students or supervisees who are in their department, agency, or training school or over whom psychologists have or are likely to have evaluative authority.

9- The practice of the anthroposophical psychotherapist

9.01-: professional frame

Regarding his relationships with patients, the anthroposophical psychotherapist documents the clinical history and eventually uses clinical tests and diagnostic procedures he has learned in the Faculty of Psychology and in further specialization. He also integrates with the knowledge and skills given by the scientific-spiritual expansion.
It is recommended that the anthroposophic psychotherapists participate and collaborate in courses and meet for patients, even with other health professionals. The aim is to develop interdisciplinary practice to support articulated therapeutic pathways in a harmonious way, particularly in more
complex clinical cases.
It is recommended that the psychotherapist collaborates and participates in national and international research initiatives in AP, based on his personal and professional possibilities.
If appropriate, the anthroposophic psychotherapist may suggest to the attending physician to refer patients to specialists in other disciplines; doctors or other psychologist colleagues, curative educators, nurses, physiotherapists, rhythmic masseurs, euritmist therapists, chirophonetists, artist therapists, artists of the word etc. in order to promote good development and maintenance of the therapeutic community, a necessary condition for optimal patient care.
All the interdisciplinary exchange of informations takes place in accordance with the national rules of respect for privacy.

9.02: Social commitment

AP represents a natural pole of integration of modern entities characterized by a fragmented and specialized knowledge and a disintegrating social dynamic. Emphasizes the integrity of the human being and the central role that the individual has in generating health and maintaining it for himself and his community. It also emphasizes the importance of caring for relations between adults, the emotional and educational relationship with children and the quality of food. In this sense, the 20 anthroposophic psychotherapist actively participates in orienting the social environment and environmental health conditions towards healing as it promotes a socially healthy lifestyle.
Also important is the good relationship (of the psychotherapist, of the associations as well as of the federation itself) with all the institutions, anthroposophical and non-anthroposophical, such as, for example: universities, professional orders, juridical bodies, public and private health institutes where they practice. the profession, hospitals.

10. Research and Publication

10.01: Institutional Approval ( APA: 8.01 )

When institutional approval is required, psychologists provide accurate information about their research proposals and obtain approval prior to conducting the research. They conduct the research in accordance with the approved research protocol.

10.02: Reporting Research Results ( APA: 8.10 )

(a) Psychologists do not fabricate data. (See also Standard 5.01a, Avoidance of False or Deceptive Statements.)
(b) If psychologists discover significant errors in their published data, they take reasonable steps to correct such errors in a correction, retraction, erratum, or other ap- propriate publication means.

10.03: Plagiarism ( APA: 8.11 )

Psychologists do not present portions of another’s work or data as their own, even if the other work or data source is cited occasionally.

11: Assessment

11.01: Bases for Assessments ( APA: 9.01 )

(a) Psychologists base the opinions contained in their recommendations, reports, and diagnostic or evaluative statements, including forensic testimony, on information and techniques sufficient to substantiate their findings.
(b) Psychologists provide opinions of the psychological characteristics of individuals only after they have conducted an examination of the individuals adequate to support their statements or conclusions.
When, despite reasonable efforts, such an examination is not practical, psychologists document the efforts they made and the result of those efforts, clarify the probable impact of their limited information 21 on the reliability and validity of their opinions, and appropriately limit the nature and extent of their
conclusions or recommendations.
(c) When psychologists conduct a record review or provide consultation or supervision and an individual examination is not warranted or necessary for the opinion, psychologists explain this and the sources of information on which they based their conclusions and recommendations.

11.02: Informed Consent in Assessments ( APA: 9.03 )

(a) Psychologists obtain informed consent for assessments, evaluations, or diagnostic services, Informed Consent, except when (1) testing is mandated by law or governmental regulations; (2) informed consent is implied because testing is conducted as a routine educational, institutional, or organizational activity (e.g, when participants voluntarily agree to assessment when applying for a job); or (3) one purpose of the testing is to evaluate decisional capacity. Informed consent includes an explanation of the nature and purpose of the assessment, fees, involvement of third parties, and limits of confidentiality and sufficient opportunity for the patient to ask questions and receive answers.
(b) Psychologists inform persons with questionable capacity to consent or for whom testing is mandated by law or governmental regulations about the nature and purpose of the proposed assessment services, using language that is reasonably understandable to the person being assessed. (c) Psychologists using the services of an interpreter obtain informed consent from the patient to use that interpreter, ensure that confidentiality of test results and test security are maintained, and include in their recommendations, reports, and diagnostic or evaluative statements, including forensic testimony, discussion of any limitations on the data obtained.

12: Therapy

12.01: Informed Consent to Therapy ( APA: 10.01 )

(a) When obtaining informed consent to therapy, psychologists inform patients as early as is feasible in the therapeutic relationship about the nature and anticipated course of therapy, fees, involvement of third parties, and limits of confidentiality and provide sufficient opportunity for the patient to ask
questions and receive answers.
(b) When obtaining informed consent for treatment for which generally recognized techniques and procedures have not been established, psychologists inform their patients of the developing nature of the treatment, the potential risks involved, alternative treatments that may be available, and the voluntary nature of their participation.
(c) When the therapist is a trainee and the legal responsibility for the treatment provided resides with the supervisor, the patient, as part of the informed consent procedure, is informed that the therapist is in training and is being supervised and is given the name of the supervisor.

12.02 Therapy Involving Couples or families ( APA: 10.02 )

(a) When psychologists agree to provide services to several persons who have a relationship (such as spouses, significant others, or parents and children), they take reasonable steps to clarify at the outset (1) which of the individuals are patients and (2) the relationship the psychologist will have with each
person. This clarification includes the psychologist’s role and the probable uses of the services provided or the information obtained.
(b) If it becomes apparent that psychologists may be called on to perform potentially conflicting roles (such as family therapist and then witness for one party in divorce proceedings), psychologists take reasonable steps to clarify and modify, or withdraw from, roles appropriately.

12.03 Group Therapy ( APA: 10.03 )

When psychologists provide services to several persons in a group setting, they describe at the outset the roles and responsibilities of all parties and the limits of confidentiality.

12.04: Sexual Intimacies with Current Therapy Clients/Patients ( APA: 10.05 )

Psychologists do not engage in sexual intimacies with current therapy patients. According to the Statutes of  Ifapa, no guruism is allowed to emerge which hampers the autonomous judgment of the patient.

12.05: Sexual Intimacies with Relatives or Significant Others of Current Therapy Clients/Patients ( APA: 10.06 )

Psychologists do not engage in sexual intimacies with individuals they know to be close relatives, guardians, or significant others of current patients. Psychologists do not terminate therapy to circumvent this standard.

12.06: Therapy with former Sexual Partners ( ApA: 10.07 )

Psychologists do not accept as therapy patients persons with whom they have engaged in sexual intimacies.

12.07: Interruption of Therapy ( APA: 10.09 )

When entering into employment or contractual relationships, psychologists make reasonable efforts to provide for orderly and appropriate resolution of responsibility for patient care in the event that the employment or contractual relationship ends, with paramount consideration given to the welfare of the

12.08: Terminating Therapy ( APA: 10.10 )

(a) Psychologists terminate therapy when it becomes reasonably clear that the client/patient no longer needs the service, is not likely to benefit, or is being harmed by continued service.
(b) Psychologists may terminate therapy when threatened or otherwise endangered by the patient or another person with whom the patient has a relationship.
(c) Except where precluded by the actions of patients or third-party payors, prior to termination psychologists provide pretermination counseling and suggest alternative service providers as appropriate.

13 – Conclusions:

The ethics commission appointed by the Board of the International Federation of Anthroposophical Psychotherapist Associations has designed this “Code of Ethics in Anthroposophic Psychotherapy” written during the years 2018/2019/2020.
The document, is approved by the IFAPA general assembly on … June 2020 at Emerson College in the UK by the associations of anthroposophical psychotherapists of the following countries:
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Germany, Italy, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, UK, United States, …
These guidelines for good professional practices describe the minimum requirements for practicing as an anthroposophic psychotherapist in current times. They will be periodically reviewed and revised.

14 – Bibliography:

IVAA: The ‘International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations’,

APA: Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct

EAP: European Association of Psychotherapy STATEMENT OF ETHICAL PRINCIPLES

Calvi, Gulotta: commented deonthological italian code

this IFAPA ethics code is compilated by dr.ssa Giovanna Bettini Bologna Italy november 2019

with the final supervision of Henriette Dekkers and suggestions from Miguel Falero.